Thursday, October 8, 2009

Educational Technology (blog 1)

In class we watched a video from 2007 that addresses how quickly our world is changing. It gave statistics that I never would have guessed, for example, it’s predicted by the year 2017 China will be the number one English speaking country, and the average person will have 10 to 14 jobs by the time they are thirty-eight. It also addresses the crucial role technology plays in our lives, and the fact that children need be gaining technological skills now if they want to be literate in this era. Following the first video we watched another video, very similar to the first but created one year later. This video also contains some striking facts, such as the “top 10 in-demand jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004. It also addressed the jump from 2.7 billion searches a month on google in 2006 to 3.1 billion searches in 2008, and discussed the popularity of facebook, a topic not even mentioned in the original video. The differences between these two videos themselves reveal how quickly our world is changing.

This concept of change and advancement, especially in technology, is an important one for teachers to consider. Students today must be equipped for tools and jobs that currently are nonexistent. That’s a lot of responsibility for the school system to carry. I’m interested in special education, and it’s exciting to think of the resources that are currently undeveloped, but will be available during my teaching career; tools that will greatly enhance the quality of life for children with special needs and aid in their instruction.

This video shows the impact technological advances are having on education, and introduces the idea of a virtual classroom:

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