Thursday, December 3, 2009

Concept Clouds (blog 10)

Of all the programs that we've used so far in my educational technology class, wordle is my favorite. is a website that generates a word cloud from a section of text. Word clouds, also called concept clouds, are visual presentations of text content in collage form, with words sized according their times of occurrence. They are incredibly useful in business presentations, as summaries of information and as visual aids. Concept clouds also have a place in education.

I'm interested in special education, which means I'll be working with children of varying disabilities. Many children struggle with reading long paragraphs and taking the main idea from a passage. Examining a concept cloud before they read the material will help them to grasp the important concepts in the reading and note when those ideas are brought up by the writer. Looking at a concept cloud after looking over the material will improve their understanding of the material as a whole. Concept Clouds can aid children with other, more severe disabilities as well. The options offered by Wordle allow creations to be stimulating and colorful. This visual stimulation is great for children who have trouble focusing or have a limited attention capacity. It also can make activities such as word recognition and identification fun, which always results in greater learning.

This website has samples of word clouds made from Presidential speeches.

And here is one of the word clouds I've made on my own,
here's one of an album by Owl City:

Distance Education (blog 9)

A fairly recent development in education has been the growing popularity and accessibility of distance education. The idea of learning through correspondence rather than attending classes on site is not a new one, but technological advances have made it far more convenient. Many high schools now have classes, such as health and life schools, that may be taken online. And this trend has extended to universities as well. But rather just being limited to individual classes, entire programs are now offered at a distance, with lectures, assignments, and student-teacher interaction all taking place on the internet.

As an aspiring educator, the increase in distance education programs will greatly affect me. One of the advantages of distance education classes is that they are flexible in terms of schedule, and therefore perfect for working professionals who cannot put a career on hold to return to school for a higher level degree. The field of education is sure to change and further develop during my teaching career, and it will be very important for me to continue to take classes to improve my skills. Distance Education will provide this opportunity while allowing me to keep my position in the classroom. It is also possible that in my time as a teacher I will need to conduct a class online and correspond with students who are not present in my classroom. This could especially benefit students with special needs that make it difficult for them to physically attend school five days a week. Having a way for assignments to be done and turned in from home could be the key to success for some students with disabilities. As a teacher, it will be my responsibility to do all that I can to ensure my students' success, and that means being open to possibly learning through distance education and assisting students through it as well.

This article by the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ascilite) explores some new opportunities available to students with special needs through distance education.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Creating a Professional Web Presence (blog 8)

Whether we are aware of it or not, nearly all of us have a presence on the internet. It's easy to discover what sort of presence you have by simply searching for your name in google. A search of "Keely Spence" yields the following information:
- I am a member on facebook
- I maintain a blog (this one)
Though that may not seem like much information, following up on these two pieces of information can quickly lead to more:

I am a member of the "China" network on facebook, and it's where I grew up. I attend the University of Florida, and am in the college of Education...

All this is accessible in a matter of minutes, and, due to the nature of the importance of technology in the job market today, will be seen by any future employers I may have. Because this is fairly inevitable, it makes sense to take advantage of the opportunity and share information about myself intentionally: creating my own web presence. (click here to see my page, or go to

Having a web presence is a good idea for any individual seeking employment, but it especially is applicable in education. Being a teacher requires a high level of professionalism, but engages an individual's personal life as well, because it involves relationships. A quality teacher establishes good rapport with students and with coworkers, relationships that are personal, but highly professional as well. For this reason, employers desire to be acquainted with multiple aspects of an individual's life, more than appears on a resume. Having a web presence allows a teacher to share personal information easily, giving background and insight into hobbies, interests, and experiences. It also allows for professional information to be be presented in the form of a resume and samples of projects and lessons. The web presence itself is a testament to the capabilities of a teacher in the realm of technological skills. All of these factors make a web presence important for any teacher, and worth teaching to older students as well as they prepare for a greater role in society as working individuals.

This site, the web presence design lab, makes designing an attractive and informative web presence easy:

Cloud Computing (blog 7)

In my Educational Technology class we read an article on CNN written John D. Sutter. It was called "A Trip Into the Secret Online 'Cloud'" and addressed the security and actual location of information saved to "the cloud". Some background: cloud computing is a method of more efficiently processing and storing virtual data. All of us use cloud computing every time we update our profiles on facebook, save a document on google docs, or access the inbox of an email account. Rather than having machines sitting idle when information isn't needed, they are employed processing other data, and companies share these data centers to save on costs. It sounds like a great idea, but in his article, John Sutter questions the security of such a method. What would happen if these machines shut down? People everywhere would lose photos, correspondences, work files, contacts, calendars, financial information... and so much more. Clearly, the information saved in the 'cloud' is crucial for how we live our lives, so it is incredibly important that that information is secure. Sutter contacted many companies trying to locate his information or secure a tour of these data storing facilities. He writes of the frustration he experienced in the process, but what we should take from this article is not that our virtual files are in peril, but rather that being informed is necessary in such a quickly changing world as our own.

This certainly holds true in education. Children today are growing up in a world that is increasingly dependent on technology. This dependence is in many ways liberating, removing limits of space and ability, but it is also risky. Education today must prepare students to function and succeed in such a world, and that means instilling in them a sense of curiosity. We cannot be complacent in regards to understanding our changing society. In order to make full use of technology, children must learn to understand it, and this applies to cloud computing as well as any other technological advancement.

Click here to see how google has taken advantage of the innovations in cloud computing by selling cloud space to beginning companies.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Open Source Software (blog 6)

Open Source software is produced by collaborative effort, and rather than withholding the program codes like large corporations do, open source software is available to everyone for use and editing. This means that no one really can own the rights to open source software, and it can constantly be updated and improved. The development and use of Open Source software has many ramifications for our society, both positive and negative. This collaboration resulting from the the software's availability benefits all users through the continual improvements in the software, as well as the fact that no one fully owns the software, so it can be circulated for a low price, and sometimes even at no price at all.

This has tremendous advantages for offices and schools, especially in the current economic climate. All schools have had to redesign their budgets in order to function with the cut back in funding. There is little money to spare for expensive computer programs. But at the same time, it is the responsibility of the educational system to prepare students for success in our society, and that means equipping them with the skills they'll need. With the increased emphasis on technology, and understanding of common computer programs is key. This is where open source software comes in. Through open source software, schools can provide students with the skills that they need while at the same time having the funds to provide other resources such as sports equipment, libraries, and improved school facilities.

This website ( views open source software as a beneficial alternative to the software produced by large private corporations. It provides many different programs and has organized them under different categories such as 'education', 'communications', 'graphic applications'... and many others. Osalt is a good way to browse through programs, it gives a better idea of what's out there in the area of open source resources.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Here is a concept map I made on Webspiration that shows how different folksonomies could be used in education:
(Or click here to see it larger)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Digital Storytelling (blog 5)

I have always loved stories. At the age of five I sat enraptured listening as my mom read aloud from the Chronicles of Narnia, and as soon as I could write letters I was creating books. Storytelling has been a fascination of mine ever since, and I love telling stories to children now. I have to confess that I have felt wary of the concept of digital storytelling, viewing it as something along the lines of glorified flannel board. But as we discussed it this week in class my perception of digital storytelling changed. In class we looked at examples of digital storytelling sites and programs like imovie, goanimate, and animoto (a list of fifty programs is provided at These resources combine audio and visual files and present them in an interactive way that engages the audience. Examples of this are short animated films, slide shows, movies documenting experiences, collages, maps, and time lines. Digital storytelling is a broad field, and there are plenty of tools available, so there are countless possibilities. Presentations can be perfectly tailored to suit the material that you want to share, so that the audience is engaged and experiences the information rather than simples looking at it or being told about it.

Digital storytelling can be an incredible tool in the classroom. Presentations can be taken numerous directions, and offer variety that can help to break up a long day. Utilizing multiple forms of sensory input guarantees that children will be less distracted than when listening to a lecture or looking at a power point, and digital storytelling has the added advantage of the capability of interaction. Teachers can use digital storytelling to create maps and time lines to help in lesson presentation, but most digital storytelling tools are simple enough that the creation of these aids can be assigned to the children, helping them develop technological skills and giving them a more comprehensive grasp of the information. Development of digital stories may not be appropriate for all classrooms, such as classes designated for children with special needs. However, digital storytelling can still be incredibly useful with these students, presenting information in a fun and engaging way, provided that the programs are not overly stimulating.

This video provides an example of what can be done with digital storytelling. It won first prize in a digital storytelling competition where contestants from the Philippines told their stories as they related to the city of Iligan:

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Digital Storytelling

This isn't actually a blog post, but I thought I'd share the slide show I made for class this week :)

Visual Literacy (blog 4)

In class we looked at ten famous photos that had been edited, and it was a little frightening. I know very little about photoshop and other image doctoring programs, and had I not seen the original photos before examining the finished product, I would have been clueless about the change. It's a little unnerving to think that the photographs that we see all around us, in advertising, in news, in politics...may not be what they seem. After looking at the pictures, we watched a video, part of a campaign by dove to promote true beauty. The model is beautiful to begin with, but the transformation is really quite amazing, and it really made me rethink where my standards of beauty come from. Visual media is such a powerful tool in our society, and part of being literate is understanding the difference between truth and propaganda.

Visual literacy is especially important in school settings. Students are bombarded with countless messages about what their lives should look like. The pressures of measuring up to this image can cause a lot of emotional anxiety, which prevents students from excelling. It is very possible that in my career as a teacher I will have the opportunity to counsel children who suffer from low esteem, and instructing them in visual literacy will help them to determine the legitimacy of the sources of their standards. But going beyond issues of self-worth and the media, it is the obligation of the school system to educate children on the value of thinking critically and being wary of the compelling images that are provided as rational for certain actions. As a teacher that responsibility will become partially my own.

Here's another example of what's done with photoshop to images of celebrities, it really makes you think twice about the images that you see in magazines of cultural icons:

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Media Literacy (blog 3)

The readings for this week presented some interesting principles for making media presentations. The concepts were very basic, but it was sort of a light bulb moment for me, in that, I know when a presentation that a teacher gives in class is hard to follow or distracting, but I can't always pinpoint why. The four key aspects that the readings focused on were contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity (which spells CRAP, not the classiest of acronyms, but not easily forgotten). Whether you are designing a web page or a power point, these are very important things to take into account, for example,

this discrepancy in color (contrast),

Spaci n g (PROXIMITY)



and font ( repetition) are



would makeit

to focus on what you're reading.

These principles clearly have a huge importance for teachers, who often utilize media tools in presenting information to students. Classrooms provide learning environments for all different types of learners, and while some children benefit from direct auditory instruction, others rely more heavily on visual aids, and others learn through interaction. It's important for teachers to take this into account, but if a presentation is difficult to follow or distracting, then it defeats the entire purpose of using it. For special needs classes especially, with children who may struggle with concepts and possess a shorter attention span, media presentations can be very engaging and helpful, but only if well designed.

Here's an example of a presentation gone wrong, the speech is beautiful and motivating if you listen to it, but adding the visuals, because of their design in this case, really takes away from the speech's impact:

Web Technology (blog 2)

In our class discussion I realized that I have been using Web 2.0 technology for years without understanding what it really means. Web 2.0 is the interactive internet, it allows individuals to access sites and, rather than just see presented content, they are able to contribute, change, and create. Web 2.0 tools allow for social networking and sharing, people engaging people, without the limitations of time, distance, or limited communication. One example of this is Wikipedia, which anyone can contribute to and access, collectively building and sharing information. Other examples are more socially and artistically oriented, like flickr and facebook. Web 2.0 allows billions and billions of people to interact unencumbered – it’s amazing when you take a moment and think about it.

Web 2.0 has enormous implications for education. Teachers can add an online component to class, much like the e-learning system used by UF, that will allow students to interact with one another. Questions can be posted on forums and answered by peers or the instructor, and more than one student will benefit from the answer as would have been the case with an email. Students can also collaborate more easily on group projects through wikis, and can even work with students from other schools and countries. Teachers also are given greater creative freedom in their assignments to students, which can now be received and viewed online, as well as in their lessons which can incorporate interactive applications through educational Web 2.0 tools.

Here’s an educational Web 2.0 tool called quikmaps, it allows access to satellite imagery as well as terrain maps. You can zoom in and out, add labels, and draw routes – incredibly useful for every geography and history teacher.

Educational Technology (blog 1)

In class we watched a video from 2007 that addresses how quickly our world is changing. It gave statistics that I never would have guessed, for example, it’s predicted by the year 2017 China will be the number one English speaking country, and the average person will have 10 to 14 jobs by the time they are thirty-eight. It also addresses the crucial role technology plays in our lives, and the fact that children need be gaining technological skills now if they want to be literate in this era. Following the first video we watched another video, very similar to the first but created one year later. This video also contains some striking facts, such as the “top 10 in-demand jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004. It also addressed the jump from 2.7 billion searches a month on google in 2006 to 3.1 billion searches in 2008, and discussed the popularity of facebook, a topic not even mentioned in the original video. The differences between these two videos themselves reveal how quickly our world is changing.

This concept of change and advancement, especially in technology, is an important one for teachers to consider. Students today must be equipped for tools and jobs that currently are nonexistent. That’s a lot of responsibility for the school system to carry. I’m interested in special education, and it’s exciting to think of the resources that are currently undeveloped, but will be available during my teaching career; tools that will greatly enhance the quality of life for children with special needs and aid in their instruction.

This video shows the impact technological advances are having on education, and introduces the idea of a virtual classroom:

Monday, September 21, 2009

Week 4 - Copyright Law

Last week in class we did a unit on copyright law. I found this especially interesting because, as boring as the legality of it sounds, copyright really isn't something that I feel I know much about. In fact, last week in the office where I work, we realized that we were almost in violation of copyright law, copying more than 10% of a material. Obviously, this violation was completely unintentional, but it illustrates the importance of being well informed. Here are some things I learned in class:
1. Copyright is a big deal (punishable up to 100,000 dollars).
2. Copyright does not apply to intangible works, or to works within the public domain.
3. Copyright exists for 75 years after the creator's death.
4. Copyright applies to the web, so nothing can be taking from a website without the owners permission.

The whole copyright issue applies heavily in educational settings. Sometimes students don't understand that just because something is easily accessible doesn't mean it's ok to use. As a elementary and special ed teacher, I'll have a unique opportunity to impress on children the idea that the unlawful use of media and resources is stealing, however convenient it may be. Increasing awareness of copyright law and the importance of ownership will help in improving the amount of effort students put into their work as well as the pride that they take in what they produce.

This video from the presents the whole issue of copyright in a cute and humorous way: