Monday, September 21, 2009

Week 4 - Copyright Law

Last week in class we did a unit on copyright law. I found this especially interesting because, as boring as the legality of it sounds, copyright really isn't something that I feel I know much about. In fact, last week in the office where I work, we realized that we were almost in violation of copyright law, copying more than 10% of a material. Obviously, this violation was completely unintentional, but it illustrates the importance of being well informed. Here are some things I learned in class:
1. Copyright is a big deal (punishable up to 100,000 dollars).
2. Copyright does not apply to intangible works, or to works within the public domain.
3. Copyright exists for 75 years after the creator's death.
4. Copyright applies to the web, so nothing can be taking from a website without the owners permission.

The whole copyright issue applies heavily in educational settings. Sometimes students don't understand that just because something is easily accessible doesn't mean it's ok to use. As a elementary and special ed teacher, I'll have a unique opportunity to impress on children the idea that the unlawful use of media and resources is stealing, however convenient it may be. Increasing awareness of copyright law and the importance of ownership will help in improving the amount of effort students put into their work as well as the pride that they take in what they produce.

This video from the presents the whole issue of copyright in a cute and humorous way: